
A Songwriter in Nashville…

Boredom. Why is it that we have a world full of mind boggling wonders inhabited with bored, moping humans? Don’t seem right, now, does it? pianodavy (this guy never capitalizes the name because he fancies himself a servant of the audience…) associates boring shit with all other offensive shit. Especially as an artist. If the expressions aren’t interesting, what’s the point of being an artist in the first place? In fact, the work oughta be captivating, soul-shaking, unnerving, arresting… it oughta be impacting to the point where the experience can hardly be described. That’s what he’s shootin’ for. But it ain’t very interesting if it doesn’t reach inside your rib cage and give your heart a bloody hand shake. Life experience has to go past musical training for song to have that ” definitely know that feelin’ ” sort of feeling. But there’s a problem with being interesting, too. Those of you who choose to take a seat in the audience also ought to have a common thing that draws you here aside from these tunes. You just gotta. The tunes are about the content… that’s what captured ya. I mean just look at that weird-ass musician. He’s not a compelling case for company. Well, maybe I’m being a tad bit superficial. And who knows, maybe it IS him that you can’t stop starin’ at! He don’t mind, as long as you’re in the audience, soaking up the tunes. By the way, the songwriter in Nashville ain’t really anything of a country writer… but he can write that way when it needs to be. But, rest assured, no matter what the style might lean to, the goal is end boredom. He don’t have to ask if your ready…